The Moving Word

Writer, Preacher, Bookworm, Student of the Word

Christian Fiction Teaches Bible Lessons

I am using Christian fiction to teach Bible lessons instead of always using non-fiction in my columns.

It is common for Christian writers to begin with an illustration and then leave it to get to the meat of the Bible teaching. Carrying the illustration through the entire piece is not something I have read before, with any regularity. It has been well-received, so far.

I love writing these pieces. They come easily to me. I start with an idea and the story flows. I am slowly working on a novel, so this helps train me in this new genre.

Jesus used parables and stories, so there is a long history of using narrative to illustrate Biblical truth. Moreover, Christian fiction is huge right now. However, Christian short fiction is not as popular.

Here is a listing of what I have had published, so far.

The Road to Valencia

Memorial Day: Written in Charcoal


A Special Home

The Wife of Your Youth


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