The Moving Word

Writer, Preacher, Bookworm, Student of the Word

Archive for the tag “illustration”

I Am Weak, but Thou Art Strong


Marty Broome preaches at the Darien Church of Christ on the South Georgia coast. He does an excellent job and he recently shared this inspiring story.

“I am weak, but Thou are strong; Jesus, keep me from all wrong; I’ll be satisfied as long…As I walk, let me walk close to Thee.”

Just the words to a favorite hymn, but sometimes a song can say more than we can ever verbalize. Everyone that knows me, knows that I’m a positive person…or at least I try to be.

But, if I’m honest, working in the mission field can be a little discouraging from time to time. I was going through one of those times just a couple of weeks ago when Sunday morning rolled around.

My lessons were prepared for Sunday and Bible class began.  Our numbers were down…way down and as I walked into the pulpit to begin the sermon a total of 5 people (including myself) were in the auditorium. We usually have around 25-30. I kept thinking more folks would come in. Maybe they were running late. But at least we did have a visitor from the community.

But I must confess; at that moment I was weak. Have you ever felt that way? You start to question yourself and your message. I think that if we are honest, we have all been there. Read more…

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